Maintenance dredging 2023

The maintenance dredging of the Orikari basin will start on Monday, October 9, 2023.
The solid matter brought by the Oulu River and the soft mass moving with the area of the harbor area lower the harbor basins. With dredging, the draft of the harbor basin can be kept sufficient even for larger ships. Dredging also makes it easier to turn ships and improves the port’s safety and trafficability.
The area to be dredged is about 61,000 m2 and about 35,000 m3 of mass will be transferred to the dumping basin of the west quay of Oritkari harbor. The dredging is done under shipping conditions and it is supposed to be completed in 2023.
More information
Infrastructure manager
Anssi Kemppainen
+358 50 379 6271