The maintenance dredging of the Oulu harbor basins continues

The maintenance dredging work of the harbor basins in the Port of Oulu will continue from week 35 on.
The dredging equipment works in the Oritkari and Nuottasaari areas. The main working area is marked on the attached map. The estimated duration of the work is until the end of November
Dredging is done by bucket dredging. The dredged soil are transported by barges to the dumping basin, which is located in the harbor area of Orikari on the southern edge of the dumping basins.
The dredging contractor is R-Towing Oy. Commercial vessel traffic takes priority in port traffic. The dredging equipment listens to VTS channel 67 and the working channel is VHF Ch 8. The start and end of work is reported daily to Bothnia VTS.
For more information, please contact:
Contact person for the contractor: Pekka Rahja +358 400 382 652
The port’s contact person: Oulun Satama Oy – Port of Oulu, Infrastructure Manager Anssi Kemppainen phone +358 50 3796 271