Follow instructions

  • Access to the Port is via the main gate. Unauthorised entry and overnight stay is forbidden. Be prepared to prove your identity. No visitors are allowed without a permit issued by the Port.
  • When moving on foot or by bicycle, use high-visibility clothing: CE-marked high-visibility clothing with company logo and personal ID and helmet.
  • When riding a bicycle in the dark, it must have lights in the front and back, in accordance with traffic law.
  • Look out for and give way to mobile machinery. Anticipate; if necessary, stop and look.
  • Pay attention to STOP signs and railroad crossings.
  • Parking is only permitted in the areas indicated.
  • Make sure the area where you work is safe. If necessary, draw up a safety plan.
  • Use hazard flashers when driving.
  • When calling for a taxi: use the designated pick-up/drop-off points in Oritkari. Access to the pick-up/drop-off points is via marked routes.
  • Garbage and other waste must be placed in containers marked for the purpose.
  • If you are unsure, call Port Control or Security Manager, tel. + 358 44 703 2759.

Key contact info

Port Control, Port Facility Security and access control

Open: 24/7
tel. +358 44 703 2759

Oulu Customs, office in Oritkari harbour

tel. +358 295 5200

Traffic service point, Vihreäsaari

Open: weekdays 6 a.m.–8 p.m.
tel. +358 400 421 928 or tel. +358 40 158 7685